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PageImprove Migration Guide

PageImprove Migration Guide

This instruction is for users who have active the PageImprove JS snippets and have published changes on their domains. If you have multiple domains with published changes, follow these steps for each one.

Step 1: Open the PageImprove Extension

Ensure that the PageImprove extension is installed on your browser. If not, you can download it from the Chrome Web Store. Navigate to the site where the PageImprove changes are active and open the extension by clicking on its icon in the browser toolbar.

Step 2: Navigate to the History Button

A red arrow is pointing to the History button.

Once the PageImprove extension is open, locate and click on the "History" button. A table will appear, containing a record of all active changes made specifically to the current domain using the extension.

Step 3: Export All Changes

A red arrow is pointing to the Export all changes button.

Find the "Export All Changes" button at the top of the modal window and click on it to initiate the export process. After successfully downloading the CSV file containing your active changes, open it using a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.

Review the content to understand the structure and ensure it contains necessary information such as URLs, content changes, and timestamps.

An example of the CSV file with your active changes.

Step 4: Implement Changes

Due to the data from the CSV file, you can implement permanent changes on each URL by navigating through the element’s CSS selector. You’ll need to submit the change requests to your developers or website team and have them hard-coded into your site.

After applying the changes, thoroughly verify the updated content on your live site and confirm that the migration was successful.

Once everything is completed, you can successfully remove the PageImprove JS snippet from your website.


By following these steps, you should be able to successfully migrate your active changes from the PageImprove extension.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out at

Frequently Asked Questions

PageImprove won't be available for new users starting from February 1, and current customers will have access until April 24.
All changes published with the help of PageImprove for each domain will be active until April 24. After this date, we will unpublish all active changes and you can easily remove code snippet from your website.
After April 24, the code snippet form PageImprove will be unavailable and the JS snippet domain will cause error `404 Not Found`. This behaviour could impact the external analytics tools or page quality measurement tools. You can safely remove the JS snippet from your domain to prevent possible issues.
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