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Advertising Research
Advertising Research Competitors Report

Advertising Research Competitors Report

The Advertising Research Competitors Report shows you all of the other websites that are competing with your domain on paid search. Competitors are measured by Semrush’s Competition Level, which is influenced by the amount of shared paid keywords between two websites and also a similar total count of paid keywords between the two sites.

Advertising Research competitors

The competitors will be plotted out in the graph by paid keywords and paid search traffic, and below will be the table listing all of the competitors by Competition Level.

While the table automatically sorts by Competition Level, you can also choose to sort by the number of Common Keywords in the next column to the right. To view any of the websites, simply click on the blue arrow icon beside the name of the domain. Or, click on any domain address to be taken to its Domain Overview report.

You can click through any of the blue links to be taken to different reports within Semrush for the competitors. Click on the Common Keywords to be taken to a custom Keyword Gap report, which will list all of the shared paid keywords between the two domains.

Click on the Ads keywords to see the Advertising Research Positions report for that competitor, and click on the SE Keywords link to see the competitor’s Organic Research Positions report. These links will give you a wide scope of analytics on these sites you’re competing with. After analyzing this report, you can choose to export the data to CSV, Excel file, or PDF.

Mobile Report

Just like the other reports in Advertising Research, the Competitors report can also be run in any of our mobile databases. Here, you’ll see the chart re-populate based on the number of mobile keywords each domain is paying to advertise on, and the numbers in the table adjust based on mobile keywords opposed to desktop. This will present a new list of competitors that compete with the website more often on mobile search.

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