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What countries does Semrush cover?

What countries does Semrush cover?

Semrush has a database of over 300 million keywords split amongst more than 120 databases. The updated list of databases can be found on our stats page.

To research search engine data from global databases, click the dropdown menu in the search bar which displays a flag. This will allow you to navigate between our databases.

What countries does Semrush cover? image 1

Not only does Semrush provide you with over one hundred databases for desktop searches, you can also access data within our mobile databases. Don’t see your country or database listed? No problem! You can use our Position Tracking tool to report ranking information for any location of your choice. 

Country Codes:

Afghanistan - AF                               
Albania - AL
Algeria - DZ
Angola - AO
Argentina - AR
Armenia - AM
Australia - AU
Austria - AT
Azerbaijan - AZ
Bahamas - BS
Bahrain - BH
Bangladesh - BD
Belarus - BY
Belgium - BE
Belize - BZ
Bolivia - BO
Bosnia and Herzegovina - BA
Botswana - BW
Brazil - BR
Brunei - BN
Bulgaria - BG
Cabo Verde - CV
Cambodia - KH
Cameroon - CM
Canada - CA
Chile - CL
Colombia - CO
Congo - CG
Costa Rica - CR
Croatia - HR
Cyprus - CY
Czech Republic - CZ
Denmark - DK
Dominican Republic - DO
Ecuador - EC
Egypt - EG
El Salvador - SV
Estonia - EE
Ethiopia - ET
Finland - FI
France - FR
Georgia - GE
Germany - DE
Ghana - GH
Greece - GR
Guatemala - GT
Guyana - GY
Haiti - HT
Honduras - HN
Hong Kong - HK
Hungary - HU
Iceland - IS
India - IN
Indonesia - ID
Ireland - IE
Israel - IL
Italy - IT
Jamaica - JM
Japan - JP
Jordan - JO
Kazakhstan - KZ
Kuwait - KW
Latvia - LV
Lebanon - LB
Libya - LY
Lithuania - LT
Luxembourg - LU
Madagascar - MG
Malaysia - MY
Malta - MT
Mauritius - MU
Mexico - MX
Moldova - MD
Mongolia - MN
Montenegro - ME
Morocco - MA
Mozambique - MZ
Namibia - NA
Nepal - NP
Netherlands - NL
New Zealand - NZ
Nicaragua - NI
Nigeria - NG
Norway - NO
Oman - OM
Pakistan - PK
Paraguay - PY
Peru - PE
Philippines - PH
Poland - PL
Portugal - PT
Romania - RO
Russia - RU
Saudi Arabia - SA
Senegal - SN
Serbia - RS
Singapore - SG
Sri Lanka - LK
Slovakia - SK
Slovenia - SI
South Africa - ZA
South Korea - KR
Spain - ES
Sweden - SE
Thailand - TH
Trinidad and Tobago - TT
Tunisia - TN
Turkey - TR
Ukraine - UA
United Arab Emirates - AE
United Kingdom - UK
United States - US
Uruguay - UY
Venezuela - VE
Vietnam - VN
Zambia - ZM
Zimbabwe - ZW

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